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COVID-19 Safety Measures

The health and safety of our families, guests, staff, and volunteers remains our top priority. As an organization serving young children with an array of diagnoses, we are especially conscious of the unique vulnerabilities in our community.


On Thursday, July 21, Night Out guests will be asked that they meet the 4 health/safety requirements below upon arrival.  


  1. Are you fully vaccinated for COVID; and if not, have you received a negative COVID test* result within 48 hours of this event?
  2. If you have been exposed* to a person with confirmed COVID in the past 2 weeks (May 7-21), have you received a negative test* result within 48-hours of this event?
  3. If you have had COVID in the last month, has it been:
    • 10 days since your symptoms started (or since the date of positive test if you are asymptomatic), and
    • At least 72 hours have passed since your last fever without medication, and
    • Symptoms have improved?
  4. Are you feeling well, without any of the below symptoms in the last 48 hours? If you are exhibiting any of the below symptoms and do not have any chronic, non-contagious conditions, have you received a negative COVID test* result within 24 hours of this event?
  • Fever greater than 100.4
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Loss of Taste or Smell
  • Sore Throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea


*COVID tests may include home antigen tests, lab administered tests, or PCR tests. 
Complimentary antigen tests are available for ALL guests at check-in.


*Exposed –having close contact during an infected person’s contagious period, 2-days before the start of symptoms or positive test sample date (whichever is soonest).

Thank You to Our Sponsors